Cavity Wall Foam Insulation

Cavity foam is injected as a liquid rising to a waterproof high density foam. As per picture we work to manufacturers recommended drill patterns to ensure full fill of cavity. A 14mm drill bit is used enabling us to drill through mortar joints without damaging brickwork.

These systems do not contain foaming agents that harm the ozone layer..


These systems are applied by spraying, injecting or casting with high-pressure equipment equipped with heating, with a 1:1 volume mixture ratio..

They are mainly applied to improve thermo-acoustic insulation for airborne noise in envelopes for buildings being renovated or newly constructed, both for partitions and for exterior façades and framework, and to improve thermo-acoustic insulation for impact noise in horizontal divisions.

Covering Cork, Kerry, Clare, Waterford, Wexford, Tipperary and limerick.

If you would like to find our more about spray foam insulation and how it can help you reduce your heating costs please contact us using the contact form or call us on 087 2308436 or 021 4503 703.


Spray Foam Specifications


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087 230 8436

021 450 3703


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